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List your project’s features and services

Items fragment can be used to display a list of features, testimonials and anything that needs to be listed in a row. It has support for icons to be displayed.

This fragment need to always be placed in a subdirectory that contains the fragment content file and the specific content files of each member.

Items Fragment

Column based items with icons

Showcasing descriptions for column based items

Column 2

Column 2

Showcasing descriptions for column based items Some more text to showcase the description capabilities: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur a lorem urna.

Column 3

Column 3

Showcasing descriptions for column based items

Code (index)
fragment = "items"
#disabled = false
date = "2017-10-04"
weight = 110
background = "secondary"

title = "Items Fragment"
subtitle= "Column based items with icons"
#title_align = "left" # Default is center, can be left, right or center
Code (subitem)
title = "Column 1"
weight = 10
#disabled = true

  icon = "fas fa-random"
  url = "#"

Showcasing descriptions for column based items

Items Fragment with no content

Column based items with icons
Code (index)
fragment = "items"
#disabled = false
date = "2017-10-04"
weight = 120
background = "secondary"

title = "Items Fragment with no content"
subtitle= "Column based items with icons"
#title_align = "left" # Default is center, can be left, right or center
Code (subitem)
weight = 10
#disabled = true

  icon = "fas fa-random"
  url = "#"
Code (index)
fragment = "items"
#disabled = false
date = "2017-10-04"
weight = 125
background = "secondary"

#title = ""
#subtitle = ""
#title_align = "left" # Default is center, can be left, right or center
Code (subitem)
weight = 10
#disabled = true

  icon = "fas fa-random"
  url = "#"

Items Fragment with images

Column based items with images

Showcasing descriptions for column based items

Column 2

Column 2

Showcasing descriptions for column based items Some more text to showcase the description capabilities: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur a lorem urna.

Column 3

Column 3

Showcasing descriptions for column based items

Code (index)
fragment = "items"
#disabled = false
date = "2017-10-04"
weight = 130
background = "secondary"

title = "Items Fragment with images"
subtitle= "Column based items with images"
#title_align = "left" # Default is center, can be left, right or center
Code (subitem)
title = "Column 1"
weight = 10
#disabled = true

  image = "caddy.svg"
  url = "#"

Showcasing descriptions for column based items

Items Fragment with images

Column based items with images
Code (index)
fragment = "items"
#disabled = false
date = "2017-10-04"
weight = 140
background = "secondary"

title = "Items Fragment with images"
subtitle= "Column based items with images"
#title_align = "left" # Default is center, can be left, right or center

Code (subitem)
weight = 10
#disabled = true

  image = "caddy.svg"
  url = "#"

Code (index)
fragment = "items"
#disabled = false
date = "2017-10-04"
weight = 150
background = "secondary"

#title = ""
#subtitle = ""
#title_align = "left" # Default is center, can be left, right or center
Code (subitem)
weight = 10
#disabled = true

  image = "caddy.svg"
  url = "#"


Variables only uses global varibales. Following variables are for subitems.


type: string

Title of the item column.


type: [asset object]/docs/global-variables/#asset)
size: 300x110

Either an image or an icon shown in the column.


type: string
Default Hugo variable. Defined simply by entering it’s value under the frontmatter section.

Description of the column. This variable is optional.

Global variables are documented as well and have been omitted from this page.